Hi, I’m Stephanie
and I’m on a mission the help people heal their relationship with food for sustainable weight loss and long term health.

About Me

After experiencing the incredible healing powers of food in treating my eczema and digestive upsets, I wanted to educate others on how to do the same. This led me to completing a Bachelor of Health Science; Nutritional Medicine.

Having worked with hundreds of clients particularly with weight loss, I’ve learnt that in order to have a healthy relationship with food you need to be educated and have a healthy relationship with yourself, others and have a positive mindset.

I have undertaken further studies in the field of psychology in order to help my clients achieve a positive mindset, overcome limiting beliefs and break negative habits. This is often the missing link to an effective long-term weight loss and health program and a key driver of stress and emotional eating as well as poor digestion, energy and chronic health issues.

Weight Loss & Mindset Coaching Programs

A program designed to give you the tools and roadmap to achieve your weight loss goal by not just addressing your diet but also your limiting beliefs and mindset that keep you stuck in a vicious cycle of bad habits.



A 21-page detailed guide on the fundamentals of food, nutrition and balanced eating.

Client Journey’s