Weight Loss & Mindset Program

This program isn’t just about losing weight. It’s about taking control of your life, feeling good, feeling confident, feeling mentally and physically strong and finally healing your relationship with food so that it no longer consumes you.

Have you had a long standing battle with losing weight or keeping it off?
Are you on a weight loss rollercoaster, managing to lose the weight and then sabotaging yourself by putting it all back on again? 
Are you an emotional or stress eater, turning to food or sugar for pleasure? 
Are you physically and emotionally drained and can’t find the energy to take the first step?
Do you feel like you have tried absolutely everything and are completely at a loss? 
Have you hit a weight loss plateau and can’t seem to lose anymore?
Are you confused by all the conflicting information out there on how to eat for health and weight loss?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, please keep reading. 

Firstly, it’s not your fault. The media feeds us with endless amounts of information about fad diets, diet pills and quick-fix ways to beat the bulge but these weight loss methods are only adding fuel to the fire. The truth is weight loss is complex. There are a number of factors that drive weight gain or affect your ability to lose weight. From years of working with a number of clients on achieving their weight loss and health goals, I can say with absolute conviction weight loss is not just about the food you put into your body or calories in versus calories out.  In fact it is only a small part of it. And guess what? You don’t need starve yourself of food or fun to lose weight!

The most powerful tool in weight loss is your mindset. This is often the missing link in the weight loss equation. Addressing your belief systems whether it's about yourself, food, sugar or health is essential for you lose weight and keep it off.

My weight loss program has been designed under 4 principals of weight loss 

  1. Simplistic: A diet (way of eating) that works in with your lifestyle and doesn’t become an added stress

  2. Supportive: Simple does not mean that it's easy. Having ongoing support and education during the hardest time is vital, whilst you adopt new dietary habits that will eventually transition into an accustomed way of waiting.

  3. Steady: Allowing time for your body and mindset to adjust, ensuring this becomes a lifestyle change and not another fad diet

  4. Sustainable: So you keep the weight off long term

1:1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching

Online or In-person
This is for you if you want a more personalised coaching experience focusing on your individual limitations when it comes to diet, lifestyle and your mindset.

  • This course is run over 6 weeks / 7 consults.

    Session 1: Understanding food, portions & a personalised meal plan for weight loss (45-60mins)

    • An in-depth health and dietary assessment with a key focus on your dietary patterns, behaviours and obstacles

    • For in-person consults, a body composition assessment to assess your current weight, body fat %, body water %, visceral fat rating, metabolic age, muscle mass and metabolic disease risk

    • A customised and easily structured diet plan specifying portions of a wide range of food groups and specific foods

    • Health tools to keep you motivated and on track

    • Delicious recipes to keep you inspired and feeling like you aren’t restricted

    • A shopping guide on navigating the supermarket aisles, how to read labels and my recommended brands

    • A FREE copy of my Base Diet Book outlining the fundamentals of food and nutrition

    • Access to the SM Nutrition Facebook community

    Session 2: Mastering your mindset (45-60mins)’

    This consultation is focused on identifying your limiting beliefs and inner critic in order to shift your disruptive patterns. By identifying these at the start you will have more control over your negative thoughts, maximising your willpower for consistent and lasting results. Plus a body composition assessment if in-person to track your progress.

    Session 3: Goal & Action planning (30 mins)

    Small achievable wins add up to BIG wins. In this session we will create an action plan broken down into small, focused and achievable weekly goals that will compound to achieving your BIG end goals. Plus a body composition assessment if in-person to track your progress


    • 1 x 30min consult

    • 3 x 15 min check in consult

    These consultations are for weigh-ins/check-ins, goal review and dealing with any obstacles or questions required.

  • $990

Client Journey’s