
  • 1 x 400g tin of chickpeas

  • 1/4 cup of good quality unhulled tahini

  • 1/4 - 1/3 cup lemon juice - according to preferred taste

  • 1 large garlic clove, crushed

  • 1/4 cup water

  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Rinse the chickpeas under water well

  2. Combine all the ingredients into the food processor and mix until smooth

Presentation Suggestions.

  • Sprinkle on top some, cumin or sumac on top

  • Finish with some whole chickpeas in the centre

  • Drizzle some olive oil

  • It will thicken in the fridge overnight; just add some water for a thinner consistency.

What's the difference between hulled & unhulled tahini?

Hulled means the hull has been removed from the seed and unfortunately stripped of many nutrients particularly calcium, magnesium and zinc. They do differ in flavour with the unhulled version being more intense and sometimes slightly bitter depending on the brand. If you can handle the bitter flavour, I recommend you go for the unhulled version.


Digestive & Detox Green Smoothie


Digest & Detox Salad