• Heal your gut & relieve digestive upsets

  • Cleanse & detoxify

  • Lose weight eating a clean & balanced diet


With 1 in 5 Australians reporting symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome alone, it’s evident that impaired digestive health is one of the biggest health issues facing Australians today.

Modern day lifestyle factors such as high stress levels, environmental toxins, processed diets, alcohol and medications cause wear and tear to the gut lining causing it to become ‘leaky’. Detoxing with a ‘leaky gut’ is harmful because the toxins eliminated through the digestive tract can leak back into the body.

I believe that bone broth is one of the leading remedies for healing a leaky gut. This is due to the gelatin found in bone broth, which provides the structural components to help heal and seal the digestive tract. This ensures that any toxins being eliminated by the liver get out and stay out.

I have partnered with the producer of GOOD BONES™ Certified Organic Bone Broth to develop a cleanse and weight loss program that addresses the  the importance of gut healing in detoxification, setting this cleanse program apart from any others on the market.

This program also takes it one step further by combining the scientifically-backed benefits of intermittent fasting and eating nutrient dense whole foods in an all-in-one, easy to follow customisable program. Intermittent fasting or the 5:2 diet has also been associated with a number of health benefits such as detoxification, weight loss and longevity however the biggest challenge for those fasting is knowing what to eat on their fast days. The GOOD BONES™ Reset Program guides you every step of the way, using the bone broth to create low calorie veggie soups to get you through your fast days without feeling deprived.

The greatest part of this cleanse however is that  teaches you how to implement a healthy balanced diet, empowering you with knowledge so it can be followed beyond the 7 or 21 days for long term reward and health benefits.


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21-Day Reset Program

$198.00 AUD

A natural food based cleanse and weight loss program that’s easy to follow and supports the body’s natural healing process. This program offers a new and improved approach to cleansing combining gut healing, intermittent fasting and a balanced diet for boosted effects that allows you to eat and not go hungry!


7-Day Kick Starter Program

$69.00 AUD

A shorter version of the 21-Day Reset if you need a little kick start to achieving your detox and weight loss goals or to just get back on track.

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Reset Program Guide - ebook (digital download)

$14.95 AUD

The Reset cleanse and weight loss program guide is a great stand alone educational tool containing. Download the ebook and have the following sent straight to your inbox in seconds!

  • Information on the process of detoxification, weight loss and how the program works
  • A detailed cleansing and weight loss food guide and meal plan
  • Tips to help you through your fasting days 
  • A liver friendly food list to support detoxification using food as medicine
  • Dietary & lifestyle tips to enhance the cleanse and optimise weight loss